Kodak Shop
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Knowledge base
Do I need a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) / Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for plates, film, paper, or equipment?
How do I obtain a MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)/Safety Data Sheet (SDS)?
What personal protective equipment (PPE) is necessary for working with chemicals?
What causes red eye, and how can it be reduced?
When should I use exposure metering?
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Kodak Prepaid Mailers U.S. and Canada
Kodak document scanner support like i2800 or i series and S2070 or S series
Kodak still film questions - where to buy, where to develop
Help with concerns about your one time use camera or single use disposable camera
Alaris for Retailers
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Kodak Shop
Kodak Shop Customer FAQs
Kodak Shop Customer Documentation
Kodak Shop Contact Information
What is your privacy policy?
How do I get technical support for my product?
KODAK SmartHome CHERISH baby monitors, home purifiers, and security cameras
Brand License Partners
Customer-facing Documents
Reloadable Cameras/Traditional Film camera repair centers
Carestream Health (Formerly Kodak Health Imaging Group)
Kodak Branded USB Flash Drives and storage devices
Support for Kodak Digital Photo Keychain, Web Cam S100 or S101 or T130, or Card Reader
Lenses Kodak
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EOL Products
Printer 350 - 6800 EN - PT
ESP AIO Printers EN - ES - FR - DE
Easyshare Products
Carousel and other EOL projectors - English/French/Spanish
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Alaris Scanner (EN, DE, PT, FR)
Alaris still photographic film & products - EN-ES-FR
Kiosk Alaris stampa foto - come noleggiarlo per Rivenditori
Sponsoring inquiries for photography
European African and Middle Eastern Region (EAMER) - France: Film Processing - Locations
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Super 8 Camera
How To Answers
Where can I find Spec Data Sheets for KODAK Super 8 Films?
How many minutes can I capture with one Super 8 film cartridge?
Technical Troubleshooting Answers
Kodak Legacy Product FAQs
Inkjet Printers
Why can't I print or view pictures from my memory card in my digital picture frame using my all-in-one printer?
Can I print to my all-in-one printer using a BLUETOOTH Device?
How do I set up my all-in-one printer for manual two-sided printing?
What should I do if I can't print on colored paper, paper that has a decorative border, or paper with a pre-printed letterhead?
What should I do if I cannot make 4 x 6 photo size prints from my computer?
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Digital Cameras, Frames, Kodak Printer Docks
D C D Battery M Series
D C D Battery How Many Pics
D C D How To Camera Charging
D C D Easy Share Transferring Pictures
What does the Highlight option do?
View all 657
All other Kodak Legacy Products
What are the proper handling instructions for the Picture Movie and Archive DVD?
How do I clean my Picture Movie DVD, Picture CD or Archive DVD?
What can affect my Picture Movie DVD, Picture CD or Archive DVD?
What should I do if my documents curl too much after printing on plain paper?
What are the printing instructions for KODAK Ultra Premium Photo Paper?
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Customer-facing drivers and downloads
Software and Driver Downloads No Longer Available: How can I download my images from my Kodak Easyshare Camera
Motion Picture Film
Public FAQs for Motion Picture Film
After silver recovery, how do I measure the silver content of my effluent before discharging to the sewer system?
EASTMAN Color Negative Films
How does Baggage X-Ray Scanning Effect my Film?
What's the difference between negative and reversal film?
What common problems do I need to avoid when shooting Super 8 film?
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Help Desk Software
by Freshdesk