E-6 (color slides) (35 mm, Elitechrome or EKTACHROME
Black and white
Kodak does not offer processing. Suggest the customer either:
Kodak does not offer film processing. Tell the customer, who wants their film processed by Kodak, to contact an independent retailer:
- Carrefour
- Champion
- Géant
- Kodak Express (www.kodak.fr)
K-14 (35 mm, KODACHROME Color Slide Film)
Tell the customer to mail the film to:
Kodak Photo Service SA
Case Postale
CH-1001 Lausanne
The Lausanne Lab stopped processing 35 mm, KODACHROME Film in October 2006. They now act as a transhipment unit and courier all KODACHROME Film daily to Dwayne¿s in the US for processing. Dwayne¿s are an independent company and are now the only remaining laboratory processing KODACHROME Film in the world.
The film will be processed and returned within 21-28 days.
For ALL other service issues or questions on KODACHROME Film processing, tell the customer to contact Lausanne.
Customer Service:
E-mail: ch-kodachrome@kodak.com
TEL: 41.21.631.4521
All special processing arrangements offered to professional photographers were discontinued at the beginning of 2005.
K-40 (KODACHROME Super 8 Movie Film and KODACHROME Standard 8/Double 8 Movie Film (not manufactured since 1992)
Customers should mail directly to:
Dwayne's Photo Service
415 S. 32nd Street
Parsons, KS 67357
US 001.620.421.3940
The last KODACHROME Super 8 Movie Film produced had a process-before-date of March 2006.
If the customer has additional questions on Super 8 Movie Film and processing, conference the call to Entertainment Imaging.
The processed-paid element of the original film-purchase price expired in March 2006. Kodak continued to honour processing until October 2006. Now the only way customers can have their KODACHROME Super 8 Movie Film processed is to deal directly with Dwayne¿s who will charge for processing. Tell customers to visit Dwayne¿s Web site for more information on pricing and shipment.
Old Processes and Formats
Process: black and white, C-22, E-4, E-2, K-12 and all others
Formats: 120, 126, 127, 620, 828, disc, movie film, 35 mm and all others
Kodak does not offer film processing. Tell the customer to visit the websites below for independent companies that process film.
NOTE: Only Rocky Mountain Film Laboratory processes movie film.
Process C-22
PO Box 7576
Harlow, Essex CM19 5WJ
Phone: 00.44.127941.4989
Rocky Mountain Film Laboratory
560 Geneva Street
Aurora, CO 80010
Phone: 00.1.303.364.6444