IMPORTANT: Use only inkjet-compatible transparencies. Using transparencies that are not designed for inkjet printers can result in print poor print quality and/or the transparency material not being detected by the printer.

The EASYSHARE 5000, 5300 and 5500 All-in-One Printers support inkjet-compatible transparencies with or without white stripes. ESP C series printers (C110, C310 and C315) do not support transparencies.

For all other printer models: 

  1. Verify that the package indicates that the transparencies:
    • are compatible with inkjet printers.
    • have a white stripe running across the short edge.
  2. Load the transparencies with the white stripe inward at the leading edge position (white stripe goes into printer first). 

NOTE: If you print on transparencies that do not have a white stripe loaded in the leading edge position, a "Fail to detect paper edge" error can occur. If this happens, load inkjet-compatible transparencies with the white stripe at the leading edge.

Make sure that customers are using inkjet-compatible transparencies.

NOTE: Transparencies that are designed for copiers are not compatible with the all-in-one printer:

  • This type of transparency does not absorb the KODAK All-in-One Printer Ink (particularly the black ink).
  • Customers will experience print quality issues if they use copier transparencies in their all-in-one printer.
  • 3M PP2200 Transparency Film for Copiers is designed for copiers. The white stripe is located on the long edge rather than the short edge. If these transparencies are used, a "Fail to detect the paper edge" error will occur. If this happens, load inkjet-compatible transparencies with the white stripe at the leading edge.