The software does not recognize that a camera has been connected. KODAK EASYSHARE Software may be conflicting with other manufacturers' software.

KODAK EASYSHARE Software conflicts with the following programs:

  • PowerQuest Drive Image 7
  • Symantec Drive Image 7
  • PowerQuest v2i Protector
  • Symantec v2i Protector
  • Partition Magic

To uninstall conflicting software programs:

IMPORTANT: Before uninstalling these programs, make sure you can reinstall them from a CD or that you can download them from a Web site.

  1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.
  2. Verify that one or more of the following conflicting programs exist on your system:
    • PowerQuest Drive Image 7
    • Symantec Drive Image 7
    • PowerQuest v2i Protector
    • Symantec v2i Protector
    • Partition Magic
  3. For each conflicting program, select the program, and then click Remove.
  4. When you have removed all conflicting programs, close all windows, and then restart your computer.
  5. When the EasyShare icon appears in the computer system tray (near the clock), connect the camera and attempt the transfer.
  6. Confirm that the connection and transfer are working properly, and then reinstall the software you removed in step 3.

NOTE: If you are using the Windows XP operating system, you can use the Windows XP drivers. However, the Sharing and Favorites features between the camera and the software will be lost.