The following should remove mold and fungus from negatives or slide film if the fungus growth has not etched or distorted the film emulsion.


  • Wear cotton gloves to avoid getting fingerprints on the film.
  • Remove the slides from their cardboard/glass mounts before cleaning.

You will need the following items:

  • A KODAK Photo Chamois, or a soft, plush pad, or some absorbent cotton.
  • Isopropyl alcohol in a concentration of 98% or greater.

Note: If you have difficulty locating the isopropyl alcohol, check with gas stations and auto parts stores. It is sold as "dry gas" for your car. Check the label to be sure you have a 98% solution with no other additives.


  1. Moisten the photo chamois/pad/cotton with the isopropyl alcohol, and gently wipe the film until it is clean.
  2. Remount the slides in clean glass mounts or new cardboard mounts.

Do not use the following:

  • Water, or solutions that contain water. Fungus usually makes the emulsion water soluble.
  • Ordinary rubbing alcohol (it contains too much water).